
Christmassy Baking - Mince Pies and Gingerbread House

To get myself into the festive sprit I deicide to whip up some quick Mince Pies, why by a box when you can make them in a couple of minutes! I simply took some shop bought short crust pastry and filled it with Waitrose ready made mincemeat and to make them look a bit special I cut the tops of the pies into little stars. I did follow a BBC good food recipe for the temperatures and timings which is here.

A Voila!

No one would ever know that you didn't make them from scratch!

I also decided to make a gingerbread house from scratch.... I did not feel this was worthy of a full blog post as Pinterest had raised my expectations over my gingerbread skills! So I just thought I'd add it to this post in case you wanted to try and also make your own gingerbread house! The recipe I used was also from BBC Good Food which can be found here.

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